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1) mike McManus 
Quebec Location
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Friday, 17 January 2020 03:55 AM Send E-mail

Thank You, Henry Martin! For poison poster 183. I was born in 1962 so you do the math.

YES I was the victim of a shooting and it was six times by Danny Lalonde, I never told police on him and he is dead of Cancer now, and he said to me "Sorry I Was Drunk" and he probably wanted to make his name with Richard Matticks who he idolized, because I had a reputation for punching out people. People like the first doorman who picked on my friend when I was 17 and came out the door with the fearsome Ritchie Matticks and promptly went to sleep for fifteen minutes.
Do I brag? No, just to be clear I didn't pick on people for no reason or because I could. If you hated me because I scared you I am sorry.

The police were looking for me because I was a rounder in later years and an old homicide cop had told them I wasn't such a bad guy and had joined some kind of movement and changed and therefore might we willing to help if I had heard something and I had but police like living suspects.

I last talked to Danny Lalonde when we drove from the Unemployment office together and I witnessed to him, he didn't listen and has passed away. Poster 183 if your still alive and read this if I can change and forgive Danny, why can't you forgive me of the difficulties I had or perceived slight I have done to you.

I seems to have affected you greatly.

Have a good day everyone. sincerely Mike McManus
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